Friday, August 3, 2007

I was assaulted while serving legal documents

I was assaulted by Paulette Harris and harassed by Emily Harris while attempting to serve a legal document.

This woman, Paulette Harris, has been receiving child support for nearly 21 years for a young man who is a lazy bugger and most likely a drunk 90 % of the time.

Our son has been on a perpetual holiday for over 6 years, living the life of luxury, unaccountability, arrogance an ignorance while the retired, old age pensioner dad is forced to pay for this oaf.

I didn't even say anything to either one of them, just served the paper and turned around to go back to my car. The mother grabbed the legal documents and ran towards our car in an attempt to throw them back into our car.

Then she whacked me across the face as hard as she could.
I have the bruise to show for it.

I didn't say word, proceeded to my car and called the police.
All the while the two screaming women were yelling at us.

Within 5 minutes, two patrol cars and one cruiser were at the scene.

I was told to go to court to file my charges against Paulette Harris.

I did.

This nonsense has got to stop! Watch the video on youtube.

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