Thursday, August 23, 2007

When will it stop?

I was assaulted by Paulette Harris, an Oxford School Teacher and the mother of William Harris.
We are still paying child support for William even though he will be 21 years old in Dec.07.
Why are we still paying child support for a man who doesn't work, doesn't go to school and doesn't get out of bed until mid afternoon?

Because one Nova Scotia judge declared him to be mentally retarded without ANY medical assessment or evaluation. Only her self indulgent and arrogant crap to support this lie.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with William Harris.

On Aug. 2/07 Vic Harris, the dad, and I went to Halifax to catch up with him and his sister, Emily Harris.

At the same time we had to serve Paulette some legal papers. As soon as I approached, Emily started bad mouthing me and became verbally abusive.

I knocked on the door to serve Paulette and she came screaming out of the house.
Grabbed the envelope and raced to our car. I came down the steps and she hit me, with a full force handslap.

Is this the kind of teacher you would like to have around your kids? This is a very violent and evil woman.

Over the years, she has done everything possible to alienate the children from our family.

In the meantime she is still collecting child support.

No less than ten judges have heard our case and all continue to order child support.

Two of them have denied our application to get a full mental evaluation.

One of them has denied our lawsuit for medical fraud.

Three appeals court judges failed to find anything wrong with a judge, unlawfully practicing psychiatry from the bench, without a patient.

One Federal Court Prothonatary dismissed our case despite various violations of the Charter of Rights.

One judge couldn't find any change of circumstances and therefore we must continue to pay.

Here is the bottom line. William is never going to find a job as long as he is a kept man. It's a catch 22. No job, no child support termination.

As long as we pay, there will be no job.

Has anyone else been violated like this? How in the hell, can judges continue to collect their paychecks when they make these kinds of ludicrous decisions?

Connie Brauer.

Friday, August 3, 2007

I was assaulted while serving legal documents

I was assaulted by Paulette Harris and harassed by Emily Harris while attempting to serve a legal document.

This woman, Paulette Harris, has been receiving child support for nearly 21 years for a young man who is a lazy bugger and most likely a drunk 90 % of the time.

Our son has been on a perpetual holiday for over 6 years, living the life of luxury, unaccountability, arrogance an ignorance while the retired, old age pensioner dad is forced to pay for this oaf.

I didn't even say anything to either one of them, just served the paper and turned around to go back to my car. The mother grabbed the legal documents and ran towards our car in an attempt to throw them back into our car.

Then she whacked me across the face as hard as she could.
I have the bruise to show for it.

I didn't say word, proceeded to my car and called the police.
All the while the two screaming women were yelling at us.

Within 5 minutes, two patrol cars and one cruiser were at the scene.

I was told to go to court to file my charges against Paulette Harris.

I did.

This nonsense has got to stop! Watch the video on youtube.